The Role of VoIP Mobile Phones in Digital Transformation Strategies

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By Marilyn Royce

Digital transformation is an essential part of any business strategy. To succeed, it requires clear communication and the courage to make changes.

Local businesses can save on hardware costs with VoIP, eliminating the need for a separate network for voice and data. These systems also offer lower calling costs to domestic and international numbers.


When choosing a VoIP mobile phone service, choose one that offers a range of subscription plans and flexible pricing. The plans should also provide the option to upgrade or downgrade with ease. Additionally, consider whether the company has a good track record with customer support and whether it allows for a self-service online portal to manage team members, devices, and lines.

With a VoIP mobile phone, your voice data is converted into digital packets that travel over the Internet and then unpacked at the receiver’s end. The receiver hears your voice as they would over traditional phone lines, and the call rates are much cheaper than with conventional carrier plans.

For instance, small businesses can save up to 40 percent on local calling costs and 90 percent on international calls. This makes it a cost-effective solution for any size business.


With traditional circuit-switched phones, calls originate from the hardware on your desk and travel along a limited number of paths on dedicated phone networks to reach you at a single device—your office or personal cell phone. VoIP, on the other hand, carries calls as data packages over the global Internet. This makes them portable and scalable, allowing businesses to build inexpensive redundancy and adjust communications to changing demand.

For example, if a staff member cannot accept customer calls at a certain time, an auto-reply feature can automatically forward them to another team member. This helps ensure that customers receive consistent communication and that marketing teams can coordinate globally despite different time zones and other obstacles. In addition, the technology is cloud-based, so you can easily add more devices with a few clicks.


VoIP converts analog voice signals into digital data packets that can be transmitted across any Internet connection. This makes it easy to integrate voice capabilities into business applications.

For instance, in a crisis, the Wynn Resorts customer service team can transfer calls to someone else by simply clicking on their profile in the phone system. Other systems, like the one implemented at Rhode Island Hospital, allow nurses to contact a specialist directly with a click of a button.

Unlike company cell phones, VoIP mobile phones are easily scalable to fit any team’s needs. Most VoIP solutions offer subscription packages that let you add devices as needed without incurring additional costs. This flexibility greatly benefits organizations that deploy BYOD policies, where employees use their devices to work.


Many VoIP services make it easy for mobile devices to access the system. Instead of using expensive cellular networks or landlines, VoIP transmits audio data packets over broadband connections.

This technology turns analog voice into digital information, which can be stored, searched, manipulated, and connected to other data and business tools. This enables new mobile capabilities that allow teams to remain in contact with one another, even when working from home or other remote locations.

The ability to work from anywhere is a great benefit of VoIP mobility. All needed is a stable Internet connection and a compatible mobile device. In Rhode Island Hospital, for example, nurses wear small wireless badges from VoIP. When a nurse encounters a problem, they instantly push a button on the badge to connect with doctors. The system links to the hospital’s directory and database systems to identify the right person for help.


VoIP transforms speech into digital data packets that can be searched, manipulated, combined with other data and delivered anywhere in the world over a reliable Internet connection. It offers a wide range of business tools unavailable on ordinary mobile phones.

For example, a unified communications platform can help businesses streamline operations and boost productivity. It features integrated voice, video and team messaging to empower employees with everything they need to complete work.

It can also link into data and systems, making the organization a resource. As Fandango and Wynn Resorts are showing, this can enhance customer service. It can help companies find points where richer, more customizable communications could eliminate bottlenecks and improve quality. This is the kind of flexibility that early VoIP adopters should be seeking.