The Role of Reliable Construction Equipment in Project

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By Marilyn Royce

It’s no secret that the construction industry faces numerous challenges. Some are minor inconveniences, while others threaten to throw entire projects off-track.

Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent these problems. Among the most effective is investing in reliable construction equipment. The right machinery can ensure that a project is completed on time and within budget.

Why Construction Equipment Matters in Building Project

Investing in high-quality construction equipment may seem like a costly upfront investment, but it has huge cost benefits in terms of productivity, reduced downtime and maintenance costs, and increased safety measures for workers. Moreover, it helps set construction companies apart from the competition.

Erratic failures in construction machinery can be difficult to predict and prevent but can include issues like electrical shorts or sudden overloads. However, these types of failures can be prevented by regularly lubricating and protecting machinery from harsh environments.

Additionally, construction companies can also benefit from tracking equipment through cloud-based construction technology that allows for dispatching and electronic ticketing. This can reduce delays due to equipment management issues, such as maintenance schedules or transportation logistics. In addition, it can help keep the project on time and within budget.

Benefits of Investing in Reliable Construction Equipment

There are a lot of benefits to investing in top-tier construction equipment. These tools and machinery can help increase production rates and streamline process timeframes. This results in higher quality work and happier clients. It also helps reduce the costs of workplace accidents. These costly occurrences cost businesses $5 billion annually in health care and lost revenue. Top-of-the-line equipment also comes fitted with better safety measures, which can help prevent injuries and death among employees.

Finally, purchasing equipment from suppliers like Elvaan Equipment Solutions allows contractors to be more flexible when it comes to reacting to project changes. The flexibility and convenience of being able to quickly shift gears can be crucial to meeting client demands. This equipment can also help reduce employee turnover rates, which is a common problem in many construction businesses.

Careful Consideration

Whether your company rents or purchases construction equipment, both options come with specific financial requirements and risk levels that you should learn more about before making any big decisions. Purchasing equipment to own comes with higher upfront costs than renting does, but also provides more long-term benefits. For instance, new equipment is far less likely to experience operating issues or require repairs than older machines.

The three most common reasons for construction equipment failure are thermally induced, mechanically induced, and electrically induced. These are all identifiable and preventable with regular and routine maintenance services.

Thermally-induced failures are caused by temperature changes that push equipment beyond its limits and cause sudden stress failures. These can be prevented by knowing your equipment’s temperature limits and preparing for changeable weather conditions.

Maintaining a Forward-Thinking Outlook

Ideally, every profitable construction company works with a budget and planned expenses. Scheduled routine and preventive maintenance is a part of that budget. Unplanned breakdowns add up to pricey repairs, lost income, and additional expenses. This is especially true if the failure occurs because of thermally induced equipment stress caused by sudden temperature changes. 

This type of equipment failure can be prevented by knowing your equipment’s limits and preparing for sudden stresses. Mechanically induced failures are often the result of neglect, equipment abuse, or lack of lubrication and can be prevented with proper maintenance plans.

Construction Technology is Making Building Project

There are many new advancements in construction technology that have streamlined the process and made it much more efficient. This includes BIM, which allows everyone to see a digital representation of the building project at all times. This reduces miscommunication and ensures everyone is on the same page.

This technology also makes communication easier by making it possible to update clients and show them the progress via 3D models or virtual reality. This improves client satisfaction and reduces project delays.

Another way to increase productivity is by implementing drones and robots for repetitive tasks. This frees up human workers to focus on more important and labor-intensive jobs. This can significantly improve production. Other technological advances like modular construction allow buildings to be built off-site and then assembled on the site, which saves a lot of time.