The Public Chamber appreciated measures of support for pregnant women

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Monthly allowances for low-income pregnant women, which Russian President Vladimir Putin offered to pay, will help tens of thousands of women, according to the expert of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF), a member of the Public Chamber of Russia, Yulia Zimova.

“The allowance will be awarded to women who become pregnant and are not employed, have low incomes, while, perhaps, alone, found themselves in a foreign city. This measure is very important, since the system of support for mothers is reduced to the activities of crisis centers, NGOs, which are not enough for everyone. The main issues that crisis centers solve are providing mom with everything she needs: a crib, a stroller and, of course, work, ”she said on Thursday, April 22, in an interview with Izvestia.

Zimova also added that this measure will make it clear to women that “the state has not abandoned them.” Support for pregnant women, according to the expert, will help women stop abandoning their own children.

Earlier on Thursday, the Ministry of Labor reported that monthly payments to pregnant low-income women would amount to up to 12 thousand rubles, depending on the region. According to Izvestia’s estimates, in Moscow, based on current data, the payment could be 10.3 thousand rubles a month, in St. Petersburg – 6.4 thousand rubles, in the Belgorod region – slightly more than 5 thousand rubles, and in Kamchatka and Chukotka – about 11.4 thousand and 11.7 thousand rubles, respectively.

Today, for pregnant women registered with a medical organization before the 12th week, there is a one-time allowance of 708 rubles.

On the same day, during the announcement of his message to the Federal Assembly, Putin focused on social issues, in particular, he proposed many measures to support Russian families with children. The President proposed to introduce payments to pregnant low-income women in the amount of 6350 rubles per month.