The Ministry of Labor announced the consideration of the extension of the May holidays

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The Russian Ministry of Labor is considering the possibility of extending the May holidays, but no final decisions have been made on this issue. This was announced on Thursday, April 22, by the head of the department, Anton Kotyakov.

“I know that we have proposals, including, in my opinion, from the deputy corps, but they are still under consideration. We have not yet accepted questions on them, “Kotyakov told RIA Novosti.

On April 12, the press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov commented on the government’s plans to introduce additional weekends in May, that is, to make non-working days between the official May holidays. The spokesman noted that at the moment the authorities have no relevant plans.

At the end of March, the Russians were reminded that in May they have to work only 19 days, the rest will fall either on weekends or on holidays.

In 2021, both the holiday of spring and labor on May 1 and Victory Day on May 9 fall on the weekend. They will be postponed to weekdays, and the first working weeks of the month will be four days.

So, the Russians will have a rest from 1 to 3 May, as well as from 8 to 10 May. In total, there will be 12 days off in May together with the holidays.