The Kremlin spoke about the formation of an approach to relations with the United States

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Russia will build a political course of relations with the United States after the completion of the revision of the actions of the new American administration. This was announced on Monday, March 29, by the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov.

“Through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs there are constant reports and through the special departments. Now an analysis is being carried out, a revision of the actions taken by the Americans within the new administration is being carried out, it will take time to carry out this analysis, ”the Kremlin spokesman said.

At the same time, he noted that the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, had not yet presented to Russian President Vladimir Putin a report on the situation in relations with Washington.

According to Peskov, as soon as the Russian leader receives all the necessary information, he will make a decision on which line of conduct Moscow will adhere to.

“Then decisions will be made on how to build our line. According to the constitution, foreign policy is determined by the head of state. It is he who will do this, ”added the spokesman for the head of state.

On March 21, the Russian ambassador to the United States returned to Moscow.

Antonov was invited to hold consultations, the purpose of which is to determine the further direction of the development of relations between Russia and the United States. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted that Moscow is interested in preventing the irreversible degradation of relations with Washington.

Tensions between the two countries arose after the publication on March 16 of a report by the US Office of National Intelligence. It says Russia allegedly interfered with the 2020 presidential election in the United States. Also, in this regard, Washington announced the adoption of new sanctions against Russia.

The next day, American President Joe Biden said that the Russian Federation should “pay” for “interference” in the elections. He said that he had previously had a “long conversation” with Putin, noting that he knew him “quite well”. At the same time, Biden said that he allegedly warned Putin about a possible response.

In turn, the President of the Russian Federation invited his American colleague to hold an open conversation in fact online, adding that such a format would be of interest not only to the peoples of the United States and Russia, but also to many in the world.