The Kremlin spoke about the assistance to India due to the situation with COVID-19

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Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, during a conversation with reporters on April 26, said that the Russian Federation is concerned about the situation with the coronavirus in India.

“Yes, we are very concerned about the sad news that is coming from India. So far I do not know that there were any appeals from the Indian authorities for help, we do not exclude in the coming days contacts by telephone, operational contacts between the leadership of Russia and India, “said a Kremlin spokesman, answering a question about whether Russia will help India in connection with the deplorable situation with COVID-19.

On April 25, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the country was rocked by a “coronavirus storm”, adding that people in New Delhi were dying from coronavirus infection every four minutes for four consecutive days. Earlier in the day, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced that the United States would provide additional assistance to India in response to the coronavirus situation.

On April 24, an anti-record was recorded in India for the number of people who became sick per day, it reached 346 786 new patients.

The increase in the number of cases in the country has continued since mid-February. In a few weeks, the number of patients rose to 2.5 million. The state of Maharashtra suffered the most from the coronavirus – 66.8 thousand cases were registered there per day.

On the same day, a new type of coronavirus infection with a double mutation was detected in the country.

As of April 26, India has the second largest number of cases of COVID-19 in the world. In the country, according to the information portal Worldometer, more than 17.3 million cases of infection have been detected, of which more than 195 thousand patients have died.