The grand opening of the stele “City of Military Glory” will take place in Petrozavodsk today

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Today, September 30, on the Day of the liberation of Karelia from the fascist invaders, the solemn opening of the “City of Military Glory” stele will take place in Petrozavodsk.

Yesterday, the last preparations were completed at the facility: 8 bas-reliefs were mounted, reflecting important events in the history of the city during the Great Patriotic War. The author of the project is Salavat Shcherbakov, Honored Russian Artist.

Photo: Administration of Petrozavodsk

Benches were also mounted near the stele. In addition, 2 floodlights were installed there.

At the same time, the citizens of Petrozavodsk have finally received an answer to the main question: the stele is level. This conclusion was made by the surveyors of the company carrying out construction supervision. It turned out that an optical illusion is created due to the fact that the slopes of the paving are made towards the drainage of storm drains.

In addition, today another important event awaits the inhabitants of the republic – the grand opening of the Museum of the Karelian Front in Belomorsk. The museum’s public recalled that the ceremony will begin at 15.00 in the park named after A.N. Pashkova. For everyone, the museum will be open on October 1 from 10.00 to 18.00. The organizers recalled that admission is free. However, sightseeing tours are paid separately. By the way, compliance with the “mask” regime is mandatory!

Photo: public “Museum of the Karelian Front” in the social network

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