The first day of the Center’s work was business

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Voter of Chuvashia voted twice

The press conference was another event in the Unified Information Center for Elections in the Chuvash Republic. And not easy. Federal political scientist Alexander Kynev, head of the Rospotrebnadzor department in Chuvashia Nadezhda Lugovskaya agreed to visit journalists, representatives of political parties and social movements. And, of course, the chairman of the CEC of Chuvashia, Alexander Tsvetkov, the head of the headquarters of public observers, Dmitry Donskov.

It was decided to give the floor to Alexander Tsvetkov first. And the first question was addressed to the head of the CEC of Chuvashia by the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Grigory Danilov, who decided to join the work of the Single Information Center. The birthday boy, he is celebrating his birthday today, and he is also a super-finalist of the federal competition “Leaders of Russia”, he had every right to do so. The impression was that today Grigory Danilov decided to surprise the head of the election commission and all those gathered with an incident that took place in Cheboksary. One voter voted twice in the elections for the head of Chuvashia – at his polling station in the Moskovsky district and in the other – in the Kalininsky district, where he “refreshed” through the “mobile voter” system. Not surprised. Tsvetkov answered immediately: “In the morning, the voter went and voted in the Kalininsky district. I arrived at my site – such is electoral tourism – I tried to get ballots, and through an oversight of a member of the precinct commission, instead of two ballots for elections to local self-government bodies, he was given one ballot for a single-mandate candidate and one for the election of the head of the Chuvash Republic instead of ballots according to the proportional system … He went into the voting booth and voted.

The member of the election commission realized that she had done something wrong, tried to prevent him from lowering this ballot into the ballot box, but he is a physically strong man, and nevertheless threw the ballots into the box. After that, observers came, everything was recorded, the police were called and really, really, what we could do in this situation is to seal and remove the box. The ballots will be counted. If there are more ballots than there should be, then all ballots of this type must be invalidated. ” The CEC chairman clarified that a citizen who tried to vote twice, did so deliberately, violating the law and could be brought to administrative responsibility.

The head of the headquarters of public observers Dmitry Donskov told the audience about the incident at the Opera and Ballet Theater at a press conference. In his presentation, it looked like this: strange people with the symbols of Oleg Nikolaev’s headquarters entered the site, tried to put on a baseball cap on the head of the PEC, after which cameras crackled and representatives of Alexei Navalny’s headquarters entered the site, accompanied by the police. Looks like a provocation. We must wait for further developments.

Head of the Rospotrebnadzor Department for Chuvashia Nadezhda Lugovskaya. She stated that the elections are held in accordance with antiquated requirements, as on July 1 during the voting on amendments to the Constitution. There was no surge in the incidence of coronavirus after the July 1 vote, according to Lugovskoy. Here she repeated and confirmed the answer of the chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Chechen Republic, Sergey Matveev (a representative of the pensioners’ party), who asked about the unclosed voting booths, that it was Rospotrebnadzor who recommended not to close the booths entirely due to the coronavirus.

Federal political scientist Alexander Kynev concluded the press conference. The conversation with Alexander Belov was long and abounded in numbers.

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