The Federal Air Transport Agency advised to strengthen the work of call centers against the backdrop of flight restrictions

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Airlines were recommended to strengthen the work of call centers and inform passengers against the backdrop of restrictions on flights to Turkey. This was announced on Saturday, April 17, by the operational headquarters of the Federal Air Transport Agency for organizing the return of Russian citizens from Turkey to their homeland.

“Carriers are advised to strengthen the work of call centers, if necessary, allocate a separate telephone line for passengers’ calls, provide full and timely information to passengers and reissue tickets in case of flight changes,” the message says.

As noted in the department, at a meeting of the operational headquarters on April 17, its participants considered the situation with the export of Russians and checked the readiness of the airlines.

“The airlines have confirmed plans to remove passengers on pre-planned dates. Each has a schedule of export flights. Carriers are ready to increase the number of flights if necessary. There is interaction between airlines within the framework of a “canceled flight manifest” (transfer of air passengers from one airline to another). Export flight schedules will be adjusted taking into account the current situation, “- follows from the message.

The meeting of the headquarters was attended by the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Alexander Neradko, as well as representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Federal Tourism Agency, the State ATM Corporation and Russian airlines, which are involved in the transportation of citizens from Turkey.

As added in the department, the situation with the export of Russians is under the control of the Federal Air Transport Agency, if the situation changes or if necessary, decisions will be made to regulate the process of returning Russians to their homeland.

On the eve of April 16, the airlines presented to the Federal Air Transport Agency the schedules of export flights for the return of Russians from Turkey.

On the same day, Rospotrebnadzor published a decree according to which Russians returning from Turkey and Tanzania before May 1 must pass a second PCR test for coronavirus within five days. The measures will not apply to crew members of aircraft carrying out transportation.

By the decision of the headquarters, regular and irregular flights with Turkey and Tanzania were suspended from April 15 to June 1 due to the worsening situation with coronavirus in these countries.

Rostourism has launched a hotline on issues related to the restriction of flights to Turkey and Tanzania. Citizens will be able to call free of charge at +7 (495) 018-64-11 from 9:00 to 21:00 Moscow time.

The department also offered to exchange vouchers to these countries for tours in Russia in agreement with tour operators. To support air carriers and tour operators, subsidies for export flights from these two states were proposed.

As the head of Rostourism Zarina Doguzova reported on April 15, there are currently about 50 thousand Russian travelers in Turkey who have purchased vouchers through tour operators. About 4 thousand Russians are vacationing in Tanzania.