The factions of the regional Duma supported the proposal of “United Russia” and veterans to confer the title of “City of Labor Valor” in Kostroma

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Today, at a meeting of the Kostroma Regional Duma, the deputies considered the initiative of the United Russia faction. At the suggestion of the party, an appeal was sent to the governor to petition the President of Russia Vladimir Putin for conferring the honorary title “City of Labor Valor” in Kostroma. The same appeal to the President will be sent on behalf of the Kostroma Regional Duma.

A new status for cities that made a significant labor contribution to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was established in March 2020. In Kostroma, for almost a year, the collection of archival documents was carried out, confirming the exploits of the rear city.

“A very serious research work was carried out in order to collect the evidence base, to apply to the Academy of Sciences. We have collected archival data on the contribution made by the residents of the city of Kostroma to the Victory. In 1944, the Kostroma region was recreated again. In particular, because the Kostroma residents very seriously, through labor participation and directly at the fronts, contributed to the victory of the people over Nazi Germany “, – said the head of the United Russia faction in the Kostroma Regional Duma Ivan Bogdanov.

During the war years, Kostroma enterprises were transferred to the production of products for the front. The Rabochy Metallist and Krasin factories produced mechanisms for PPSh submachine guns, provided the front with ammunition. The plywood mill supplied materials for the aviation industry, the Belt Band factory supplied linen, and the X October factory supplied boots for the soldiers.

“Kostroma did a lot during the war. How many hospitals, military educational institutions were there. They took evacuated children from Leningrad. Cloth, slings and other. The evacuated factories worked. Who worked? Women, children, old people. Therefore, Kostroma really deserves this title “, – Georgy Tashchyev, head of the Russian Party of Pensioners for Social Justice faction, supported the United Russia initiative.

Other parties also supported the idea of ​​United Russia. “During the Great Patriotic War, 26 enterprises did everything to bring the Victory closer. I believe that the city deserves this title and is grateful to all the activists who were looking for documents and working with archives. It is very important. Our faction supports “, – said the head of the New People faction in Kostroma Elena Poteshkina.

“This is a recognition of all residents who did everything to make the war end faster. They prepared weapons, uniforms – everything for the front, everything for victory. This is a recognition of the activities of our Kostroma residents. We supported this unanimously “– commented the head of the faction “Fair Russia” Alexander Plyusnin.

“The LDPR faction in the Kostroma Regional Duma voted in favor. I am very glad and proud that we voted unanimously. I would like to hope that the Government and the President will support our initiative ”, – noted the head of the LDPR faction in the Kostroma Regional Duma Ruslan Fyodorov.

“Of course, this appeal must be supported. The fact that the city of Kostroma will receive the title of the city of labor valor is a reason for pride “, – Elena Shakhova, head of the Communist Party faction in the Kostroma Regional Duma, expressed her opinion before the vote.