The expert assessed the legality of Tesla’s purchase of bitcoins for $ 1.5 billion

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Tesla’s purchase of $ 1.5 billion of cryptocurrency is a legal operation, because the company notified the US Securities and Exchange Commission in advance of large investments, Artem Tuzov, executive director of the capital market department at Univer Capital, told Izvestia.

According to him, the transaction was carried out through the crypto exchange Coinbase, which is also in the legal field, although after that bitcoin still added 23%. Therefore, the regulatory authorities cannot have any questions about the operation.

“As for Elon Musk himself (an American entrepreneur, founder of Tesla and SpaceX – Ed.), There were no calls in his tweets specifically to buy or sell cryptocurrency, the subscribers made their own decisions. In addition, in many posts, the inventor asks not to identify the company’s transactions with his own solutions, reminding him that he is not an exchange player, but an engineer, ”said Artem Tuzov.

Bitcoin itself began to grow not only on the publication of news, but also for quite understandable reasons – due to the increase in demand for risky assets around the world. Accordingly, as the number of buyers increased, the asset price began to increase, the expert concluded.

Earlier, on February 19, Elon Musk called Bitcoin a slightly more reliable asset compared to cash. He stressed that “only a fool” will not seek alternative investments, while cash is becoming less and less interesting.

The cost of bitcoin on February 19, 14.12 Moscow time, increased by 1.42% per day and amounted to $ 52 709, the CoinMarketCap portal cites data. Earlier, on February 17, Musk announced that he intends to create the Marscoin cryptocurrency.