The doctor named the most beneficial products and vitamins for the skin

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To get clean and healthy skin, you need to include in your diet foods that contain vitamins A, E C and B. On April 19, a cosmetologist Marina Shestova told about this.

She noted that the diet should include oranges, gooseberries, spinach, lemons and currants, rich in vitamin C. This vitamin, as Shestova pointed out, has a positive effect on the vascular wall.

“Vitamin E is important – an antioxidant that triggers cell renewal: they are rich in avocados and broccoli. Vitamin A is also an antioxidant, and there is a lot of it in potatoes, carrots, and mangoes. Buckwheat is a valuable source of B vitamins, “RIA Novosti quotes Shestova.

Earlier in February, dermatologist-cosmetologist Daria Baskakova spoke about a way to get rid of circles under the eyes. She noted that if blue circles under the eyes have recently appeared in a person, then cosmetics will help to correct the situation: creams and serums with caffeine and ascorbic acid in the composition, but provided that there is no allergy.

In addition, you can carefully do self-massage, but you need to do it gently, without stretching the skin. Gentle rubbing with ice cubes will also help, and not only the eyes, but the entire face.