Oncologist-mammologist, candidate of medical sciences, professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Association of Oncologists of Russia Roman Temnikov spoke about the first signs of blood cancer, reports kp.ru on September 13.
“It is really difficult to correctly diagnose leukemia in the early stages. As a rule, the disease is detected during medical prophylactic examinations or when a patient seeks a doctor for some other reason, ”Temnikov said.
According to the doctor, headache, dizziness, poor appetite, fever for no reason, weakness and fatigue, private infections and sudden weight loss can appear at an early stage of the disease.
Signs such as fainting, bluish tinge of lips and nails, tachycardia, high fever, trouble breathing and seizures, bone and joint pain, skin rashes, swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver and spleen, bloating, and poorly healing wounds can characterize late stage of leukemia.
The oncologist noted that first of all, changes in the blood formula should be alerted – the presence of a large number of immature elements against the background of a reduced volume of platelets and erythrocytes.
“With this disease, normal hematopoiesis is disrupted, due to which the number of immature leukocytes in the bone marrow increases, hence its outdated name – leukemia, or leukemia,” Temnikov said.
He also emphasized that early detection of the disease is still the main condition for fighting the disease, so doctors recommend leading a healthy lifestyle, avoiding stress and undergoing examinations at least once every six months.
In the presence of a hereditary predisposition to malignant tumors, oncologists advise to carry out the diagnosis five years earlier than the disease was found in a relative.
Earlier, on September 1, scientists named a number of products that can reduce the risk of cancer – they stimulate the natural defenses of the immune system and can even block the development of cells of intestinal and prostate tumors.