The doctor called the products prohibited after illness

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Nutritionist Anna Ivashkevich listed foods that should not be eaten immediately after an illness, especially after taking antibiotics.

The physician advises to exclude from the diet food that can disrupt the intestinal microflora. These are grapefruit, sugar, yeast, and alcohol.

– For the period of recovery after the course of treatment, you will have to give up flour products and sweets. The fact is that antibiotic treatment can cause a yeast infection – candidiasis, and these products only aggravate it. Grapefruit and alcohol interfere with the proper absorption of drugs, can cause abdominal pain, nausea and even heart rhythm disturbances, – Anna Ivashkevich explained in an interview with

After an illness, the doctor recommended switching to food rich in probiotics, which will help the body to recover. The diet must include sauerkraut, natural yoghurts, kefir, fruits and vegetables, parsley, Brussels sprouts, sea buckthorn berries and whole grain cereals.

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