The citizens of Germany criticized the ambassador of Ukraine, who declared the responsibility of Germany

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The interview of Ukrainian Ambassador to Berlin Andriy Melnyk to Welt am Sonntag, in which he blamed official Berlin for the early entry of Independent into NATO, caused a flurry of critical comments from the citizens of Germany.

Readers were outraged by the position of Melnik, who believes that the German authorities should seek Ukraine’s entry into the North Atlantic Alliance because of “historical responsibility” to the Ukrainians.

“Germany should first of all take care of its own problems!”, “Ukrainian politicians believe that they can demand from Germany … that it play a” leading role “in the fight against Russia. What are you, anyway?”, “Germany should. .. finally solve their own problems within the country “,” It’s funny that Ukraine wants to join the EU … Only in order to siphon off financial resources … We must stay away from this conflict, “the users write.

In addition, readers were also jarred by the ambassador’s reproach for the country’s Nazi past. Many users admitted that such populist statements have exhausted their patience.

Read the details in the MK material: The Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany called the country’s inclusion in NATO the responsibility of Berlin