“The Brave Tailor” appeared in the Kostroma Regional Duma

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An unusual exhibition for the regional legislative body was held in the building of the Kostroma Regional Duma – it presented samples of clothes created by members of the “Brave Tailor” circle working in the Shuvalov secondary school. A hall was allocated for the exhibition area, where the meetings of the Duma committees are usually held.

The idea of ​​holding the exhibition belongs to the deputy of the Federal State Duma Alexei Sitnikov, who, during a New Year’s working trip around his district, drew attention to the work of Olga Medvedkova, a secondary technology teacher in Shuvalov: “We were in the Shuvalov school, watched what the children were doing, how their leisure was organized. At this time, classes were held in the Brave Tailor Studio – the girls sat there during the holidays, sewed something, weaved dolls. The enthusiastic leader also boasted of the collection that we present here today. I was delighted! Thanks to the chairman of the regional Duma, Alexei Anokhin, that he allowed us to place several works in the conference room. Now the deputies and invitees who come to the committees can see these wonderful works and learn about the studio, ”said Alexey Sitnikov.

The collections of dresses “The Four Seasons” and “Flowers” ​​presented to the regional deputies are made using the cold batik technique. This is the “visiting card” of the “Brave Tailor” mug.