The authorities promised to transfer all significant public services online by 2023

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The Russian government plans to transfer all socially significant public services to electronic form by the end of 2022. This was announced on Wednesday, April 21, by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko following the results of the President’s message to the Federal Assembly.

“The President ordered that by the end of 2022 all socially significant public services be transferred to electronic form on the public services portal. And we will carry out the instructions of the president, ”Chernyshenko commented.

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his annual address to the Federal Assembly on April 21. In his speech, the head of state touched upon many important topics related to the internal structure of the country, as well as its international policy. In addition, he touched upon the topic of the country’s economic well-being, outlining further strategic plans for the development of Russia. He devoted 78 minutes to his speech instead of the planned hour.

Among other things, the Russian leader proposed to make public services around the clock. He added that in three years, the vast majority of state and municipal services should be provided to Russian citizens remotely, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Earlier, on April 12, Chernyshenko said that in 2021 the Russian government plans to replenish the portal of public services with six new services.

In February, Chernyshenko said that almost 200 state services, which are now provided in paper form, will be digitalized by 2023.

In October last year, Putin instructed to ensure the transfer of municipal and state services to electronic format by 2023.