Ten thousand children and adolescents vaccinated against influenza in Sakhalin

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Influenza vaccination for young Sakhalin and Kuril residents is gaining momentum. It is important to have time to vaccinate children before the fall rise in the incidence of ARVI. Doctors urge us not to ignore this opportunity to protect ourselves from the serious consequences of the disease, since in the near future, the simultaneous circulation of influenza and coronavirus infection is very likely. Meanwhile, every third parent so far refrains from vaccinating their child, ignoring the advice of doctors. And there is not much time to think – the immunity must have time to form. Doctors assure that the used vaccine “Sovigripp” has no special contraindications. The children’s version of the vaccine does not contain preservatives, it is better protected and adapted to the body. A vaccinated child acquires immunity to influenza within two to three weeks and retains it for a year. The vaccine also boosts the body’s immune status.

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