Subsidies for developers will convince Sakhalin residents not to leave the islands

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The new project of loans at reduced interest rates for developers, which will be implemented in Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, will directly affect the quality of life of the islanders. The entrepreneurs told MK on Sakhalin why construction is one of the key sectors of the economy and how its development will affect the region.

“Construction for the state is one of the tools for economic development, since the growth of this sphere stimulates the growth of the labor market, services and, in general, financial flows that live in the economy,” says Stanislav Neverov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the East Arctic Oil and Gas Corporation.

He added that from the point of view of an investor, such a project suggests that the Far East is suitable for investing money. Moreover, when investments are supported by the state.

“And housing construction plays a special role in this system, since it creates conditions for improving the quality of life of people and encourages people to stay in certain regions and work more actively,” the entrepreneur noted.

According to entrepreneur Ivan Dulesin, this project is, first of all, the construction of new housing, and only then is the opportunity to develop the construction sector on Sakhalin. Subsidies to developers will help to quickly solve the problem of resettlement of dilapidated, dilapidated housing, and will also make housing more affordable for young families and professionals from other regions.

The new infrastructure loan project will be implemented by DOM.RF. At the expense of federal subsidies, it will issue targeted loans to developers for 15 years at only 3-4% per annum, under the guarantee of the subject. The Sakhalin Region has become one of five pilot regions in which this system will be tried, the Russian President announced during his message to the Federal Assembly on April 21, 2021.