Since November, violations of the mask regime in Moscow have been detected 1.5 times more often

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Since the beginning of November, Muscovites have begun to violate the mask and glove regime 1.5 times more often. This was announced on Tuesday, November 17, by the head of the Main Control Directorate of the capital, Evgeny Danchikov.

According to him, in the course of control raids since the beginning of autumn, 126 thousand violations of the mask and glove regime were revealed in public places: shops and shopping centers, in the metro and ground transport, and in other mass spaces.

Dachnikov stressed that all organizations and enterprises operating in the city are obliged to ensure that their employees and visitors comply with the requirements established for the period of the high alert regime. The official noted that over 16 thousand violations of sanitary requirements by legal entities have been recorded in Moscow since September. For repeated violations, the activities of 160 organizations and enterprises are currently suspended, TASS reports.

Today, in the capital, the fine for the absence of gloves or masks at enterprises and shops for individuals is 4 thousand rubles. Stores are not allowed to serve customers without protective equipment, and if a visitor refuses to wear a mask and gloves or leave the store, employees have the right to call the police.

For the absence of masks and gloves in public transport in the capital, you will have to pay 5 thousand rubles. Since October 16, by order of Rospotrebnadzor, it is prohibited to allow passengers without personal protective equipment (PPE) into public transport, even if they have already paid for the trip.

The penalty for non-compliance with sanitary standards under the current high alert regime at workplaces for an employer – a legal entity is from 100 to 300 thousand rubles, for individual entrepreneurs – from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

The head of the Main Control Directorate noted that now, when there is an increase in coronavirus infection, it is very important that citizens and enterprises comply with all sanitary requirements, as well as the requirements established in the decrees of the mayor of Moscow.

Earlier on Tuesday, the Moscow office of Rospotrebnadzor said it had not issued instructions requiring the wearing of masks and gloves when skating on open ice rinks. However, he reminded of the need to maintain a social distance of 1.5 m not only in the skating rink, but also on the open ice rink.

Earlier, on November 12, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that the city authorities expect an increase in the number of cases of coronavirus, and the bed capacity may be critical for another quarter.

On November 10, he announced the introduction of new restrictive measures in the capital. The restrictions will apply from November 13 to January 15, 2021. According to Sobyanin, the measures are being introduced immediately for two months due to the upcoming New Year holidays.

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