Serbian Ambassador told when Putin will visit the country

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Serbia expects Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit the Balkan republic by the end of 2021. This was stated by the Ambassador of Serbia to Moscow Miroslav Lazanski.

“Yes, we expect President Putin’s visit to Serbia this year. This was agreed at the highest level. This is probably due to the date of the inauguration of the Church of St. Sava in Belgrade, in the construction of which both Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church participated and helped.” , – quotes his words the newspaper “Izvestia”.

The diplomat noted that, probably, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will not be present at the Victory Parade on May 9 in Moscow.

“This is not a round anniversary celebration of the victory in World War II, and I think that this year no foreign presidents were invited, but we hope that President Vucic will again be a guest of President Putin here in Moscow this year, because it is already the successive nature of their mutual meetings. And the friendship of the two presidents actually dictates the frequency of these mutual visits, “concluded Lazanski.