Senator told who can receive two pensions at the same time

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Only two categories of citizens in our country are entitled to receive two types of pension at the same time. Senator Elena Bibikova spoke about this. A disability and old-age pension will be given together only to a disabled person or a participant in the Great Patriotic War.

In a rare case, veterans of the security forces may also be assigned two social benefits at once. For this, several conditions must be met. First, you need to be eligible for a seniority pension. Secondly, to earn 21 retirement points and thirdly, to confirm the work experience – twelve years. Then the pensioner will receive two payments at once: military and old age.

But even here there are nuances that Bibikova did not forget to mention. The old-age pension consists of fixed and insurance payments. If a person has been assigned two social benefits, then the person will receive only the insurance part of the old-age pension.