Scientists learn about fitness bracelets’ ability to help detect COVID-19

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Fitness bracelets are capable of detecting coronavirus infection in humans, American scientists have found. The results of the study are published in the journal Nature Medicine.

Experts studied the data of patients who reported their illness and identified changes in the state of the body that indicate coronavirus. So, the indicators of gadgets helped to identify deviations from individual norms in the heart rate at rest and changes in the range of sleep.

In particular, it turned out that in patients with coronavirus at rest, the pulse is significantly increased, and the time ranges of the deep sleep phase are also changed.

According to scientists, taking into account these indicators and patient complaints, it is possible to significantly simplify the identification of those infected with coronavirus compared to a model that takes into account only symptoms. In addition, it will be possible to detect diseases in an asymptomatic form or at an early stage.

Scientists have previously discovered an unusual manifestation of the coronavirus. According to a survey of patients with COVID-19, the disease can manifest itself not only with typical symptoms in the form of cough and fever, but also as irritation on the toes.

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