Russians talked about monthly spending on necessary goods and services

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Most Russians spend about 15-30 thousand rubles on necessary goods and services, including food, utility bills and transport, which is 25-50% of their budget. This is stated in the study of the online financial platform Webbankir, the results of which are provided by RIA Novosti on April 3.

Thus, 42.9% of Russian families fit into this amount, another 13% spend up to 15 thousand rubles, and 29.7% of families need 30-50 thousand rubles.

Every tenth family needs up to 70 thousand rubles for essential goods and services, another 2.8% spend up to 100 thousand rubles, and 1.8% exceed the threshold of 100 thousand rubles.

Also, experts found that for 31.2% of families, the cost of necessary goods and services is 25-50% of the budget.

For every fifth family, these expenditures are equal to 50-75% of earnings, over 75% of the budget, this item of expenditure is accounted for by 12% of families.

About 18.5% of respondents admitted that they spend less than 25% of their family budget on necessary goods and services, and 17.4% noted that their income is not enough to meet basic needs.

Earlier, in March, analysts told Izvestia about a record increase in the daily expenses of Russians in February. Thus, citizens’ spending on consumer goods in annual terms increased by 4.5%, and the purchasing activity index reached a record figure for this month since 2012 – 186%.

However, in real terms, spending fell by 1.3%. Compared with the 12-month average, the decline was 2.3%, experts said.