Russian robot got a job in the Dubai police

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The Russian service robot of the Skolkovo resident “Promobot” began working at the central headquarters of the Dubai Police in the UAE. Oleg Kivokurtsev, co-founder and development director of the manufacturing company, told Izvestia about this on Wednesday, April 21.

The robot must advise citizens, answer questions, accept applications from visitors and monitor the security of the entrance to the headquarters. He can communicate in English and Arabic. According to the developers, it is the only service robot in the world that speaks Arabic.

“With the help of a robot, we will relieve police officers from routine work and limit contact between people during a pandemic. Police officers are always in the midst of making the most important decisions – and we cannot allow external factors to influence their work. The safety, health and even the lives of citizens depend on this, ”said Ahmad Al Bayari, deputy chief of security at the Dubai Interior Ministry.

The android is equipped with obstacle sensors developed by Promobot engineers, a non-contact thermometer and a thermal printer – it issues special temporary passes to visitors to the headquarters. With the help of sensors, the device can move freely around obstacles, and a non-contact thermometer allows it to monitor the temperature of police officers and visitors.

Kivokurtsev recalled that the company’s robots are already working in the police of Kazakhstan, Russian MFC, cellular offices in Turkey, the National Bank of Oman and the police in Abu Dhabi.

In November last year, Izvestia reported that the Russian company Promobot would supply robots worth $ 500,000 to China. A memorandum of promising cooperation and interaction was signed with Beijing Huanuo Exiang (REX) Trading Co LTD (Russian trading company in China, RTK) … The memorandum is valid for six months.

Promobot was founded in 2015 in Perm, at the same time it became a resident of Skolkovo. It is currently the largest manufacturer of autonomous service robots in Europe. They work in 40 countries as administrators, promoters, consultants, guides and concierges, replacing or supplementing live employees.

The robots of this company can be found in Sberbank, the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, MFC, Baltimore-Washington Airport, Dubai Mall. The company’s products are manufactured and developed in Russia.