Russian airlines offered to transfer to the domestic booking system

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Rostec turned to President Vladimir Putin with a request to instruct the Cabinet of Ministers to stimulate the transition of domestic airlines to the Russian reservation system, which is being developed by the state corporation (the letter is at the disposal of Izvestia).

To operate the unified settlement system on the territory of the Russian Federation, Rostec created the RT-Transcom enterprise. The company is faced with the task of creating a modern and secure data center in the country, “as well as transferring data from leading Russian airlines, primarily Aeroflot and S7 PJSC, from imported to domestic software,” the appeal says.

Today Aeroflot works with the American Saber reservation system, and Ural Airlines – with the European Amadeus.

Sergey Chemezov suggests linking the provision of state support to airlines with the transition to the use of domestic software products.

In July 2019, the Russian government issued a decree according to which, by October 31, 2021, airlines will have the right to work only with those reservation system providers that store and process information about domestic Russian transportation – passengers, fares and fees – in the Russian Federation.

Read more in the exclusive material of Izvestia:

Software – we fly: airlines want to transfer to the domestic booking system

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