The press service of Rospotrebnadzor on Friday, November 20, announced the number of doses of the domestic vaccine against coronavirus “EpiVacCorona”, developed by the “Vector” Center, which will be released by the end of 2020.
“By the end of the year, it is planned to release 50,000 doses of the vaccine,” the department told RIA Novosti.
The Rospotrebnadzor also noted that at present about 15 thousand doses of EpiVacCorona have been produced.
Earlier, on November 18, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova announced that small batches of the EpiVacCorona vaccine would go into circulation until December 10.
On the same day, the specialists of the “Vector” center first revealed the composition of the “EpiVacCorona” vaccine. The drug is made of three components: peptides, a carrier protein and an adjuvant (an immune response enhancer).
On November 17, the head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, announced the start of post-registration trials of the Russian vaccine, which was developed at the Vector center.
The tests are scheduled to end on June 15, 2021. At the final stage of research, experts will determine the effectiveness and safety of the drug.
In turn, the director of the center, Rinat Maksyutov, assured that the EpiVacCorona vaccine against COVID-19 will be free for Russians, it will not go on commercial sale.
Up-to-date information on the situation with the coronavirus is available on the websites of stopcoronavirus.rf and access vsem.rf, as well as by the hashtag #WeVotre. Coronavirus hotline: 8 (800) 2000-112.