“Roskosmos” called the timing of technical work with the Proton-M rocket

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Additional technical work with the Proton-M launch vehicle will last until noon on July 30. This was announced on Wednesday, July 29, by the head of the press service of Roscosmos, Vladimir Ustimenko.

Work is underway at the Baikonur cosmodrome.

“Additional technical work is underway with the Proton rocket, which will last until noon on July 30,” the owl TASS quotes him.

Earlier on Wednesday, the website of the state corporation published an announcement about the postponement of the launch of the Proton-M rocket. This decision was made by the State Commission in connection with the need for additional checks of components and assemblies.

The launch of the carrier rocket with the Briz-M upper stage and the Russian communication satellites Express-103 and Express-80 was scheduled for 00:25:19 Moscow time on July 31, 2020.

However, later in the official Twitter of Roscosmos, a message appeared that the start was again postponed.

“The launch has been postponed to an alternate date and should take place on July 30, 2020 at 21:25:19,” the message says. Representatives of the company did not give official comments on this matter.

March 10, the general director of the Center. M.V. Khrunichev Aleksey Varochko announced the postponement of the launch of the Proton-M carrier rocket due to the discovery of low-quality components.

The previous launch of the Proton-M was made on December 24, 2019 from the Baikonur cosmodrome with the Electro-L meteorological satellite on board.

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