Rosgvardia denies the use of special equipment against protesters in Kushtau

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Rosgvardia did not use special means against the participants of the actions on Shikhan (mountain) Kushtau in Bashkiria. This was announced on Sunday, August 16, to TASS in the press service of the Rosgvardia department for the region.

“In some media and social networks, false information continues to spread that Rosgvardia employees <...> allegedly use special equipment. However, neither before, nor until now, no special means have been used and are not being applied, ”the agency was told.

On the eve of 22 activists who oppose the development of limestone on Mount Kushtau in Bashkiria, were detained by law enforcement officers.

According to the head of the Greenpeace program for specially protected areas, Mikhail Kreindlin, the situation worsened after the employees of the private security company, with the support of riot police, began to disperse the camp of activists on Mount Kushtau.

Earlier on Saturday, it became known about clashes between eco-activists and employees of the private security company on Mount Kushtau. They opposed the development of the mountain by the Bashkir Soda Company. Several dozen people are on duty in the camp on a permanent basis, there are women and children.

A year ago, the Bashkir Raw Materials Company received a license to develop the shihan for a period of 20 years. Public figures and scientists asked the head of the republic, Radiy Khabirov, to cancel the decision, but he said that it is impossible to stop strategic production and leave thousands of employees unemployed.

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