Risky Pedestrian Habits That Cause Accidents

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When a pedestrian and car accident takes place, the public usually points the finger at the driver of the vehicle. This is mainly because the pedestrian usually acquires severe injuries while the driver gets out of the accident with little to no physical harm or property damage. However, there are specific times when the pedestrian is at fault, not the driver. 


There are countless distracted and careless pedestrians walking the road. Risky pedestrian activities, such as operating their phone or blasting music into their ears while walking on the road, cause hundreds of accidents every day. A Grand Junction personal injury attorney will be able to help you gather evidence of your innocence. 


Risky pedestrian habits that cause accidents


  • Walking at night wearing dark-colored clothes. 


One of the biggest reasons why drivers in Grand Junction are not able to see pedestrians at night is due to their dark clothes. Not every street is well lit, and even turning on a car’s headlights may not be enough to recognize a person. That is why nighttime is the most dangerous time for pedestrians, with over 75% of accidents happening. 


Wearing bright-colored clothes can solve this problem. It helps drivers see you better and give them time to react. Sure, drunk and distracted drivers are still a threat, but they should at least be able to spot you on the road. Pedestrians should wear safer clothes and do their part to reduce the risks. 


  • Walking with headphones. 


When pedestrians walk or jog on the streets with their headphones in and music blasting in their ears, they are not able to hear vehicles approaching. It is safe to listen to music when you exercise in a park, but things can become dangerous when it comes to roads. In some places, it is illegal to listen to music or be distracted by any other thing when using the road. 


Having your ears on alert can save you from so many mishaps. Even if a drunk driver approaches you, you may be able to hear the vehicle and move to the safer side before it hits you. Sounds of a garbage truck, sirens of a speedy ambulance, or a vehicle’s engine can alert you. 


  • Walking in the same direction as the traffic. 


Pedestrians are sometimes forced to walk on the road when the sidewalks are broken, obstructed, or under construction. Drivers do not usually expect pedestrians to be on the road, which is why accidents occur. Try to be off the road as much as possible to avoid giving any surprises to the drivers. While walking or jogging, make sure you go in the opposite direction of the traffic, so you know which car is approaching you.Â