Residents of France rally against the mask regime

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On August 29, rallies are held in Paris and other large cities of France against the mandatory mask regime introduced by the French authorities against the background of the spread of coronavirus, reports the 20minutes portal.

According to law enforcement officials, about 300 people gathered on the Place des Nation in the French capital, despite the fact that more than a thousand residents of Paris announced their participation in the event on Facebook. Among the protesters are students and pensioners, employees of enterprises, several representatives of the “yellow vests”.

The protesters are holding posters with slogans and demand to abolish the wearing of masks, the need for which “has no scientific justification.” Police officers do not take measures to disperse the protesters, but the square is cordoned off. Besides. law enforcement officers demand that, leaving the cordon, all citizens must wear masks. Those participants of the action who refused to comply with this requirement were fined € 135.

Since August 28, the Paris authorities have ordered the townspeople to wear masks when going outside. On August 26, the authorities of Marseille made the same decision. For appearing without a mask on the street or in a store, you face a fine of € 135, which in case of further violations of the rules can reach € 1.5 thousand.

According to the international statistical office Worldometer, as of August 29, 267,077 cases of COVID-19 were detected in France, of which 30,596 were deaths. Since the beginning of the outbreak, 86,177 patients have been discharged from hospitals.

For the first time, an outbreak of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was recorded in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan. On March 11, the World Health Organization announced a coronavirus pandemic in the world.

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