Rada compared weekend quarantine with plantain fracture treatment

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Introducing a “weekend quarantine” in Ukraine is as ineffective as treating a fracture with plantain. This was announced on November 17 by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Golos faction Yaroslav Zheleznyak.

“Everyone saw how this weekend went. Everyone saw that some restaurants were still open. Some cities refused to comply with quarantine conditions. Introducing a weekend quarantine is the same as treating a broken bone with a fern or plantain: it may help, but it will be pure coincidence, ”Zheleznyak said from the rostrum, the meeting was broadcast by 112.Ukraine TV channel.

He also suggested that parliament review the restrictive measures to ease the situation for entrepreneurs who are suffering from the economic fallout from the coronavirus.

On November 14, the weekend quarantine regime entered into force on the territory of Ukraine. In particular, on Saturday and Sunday, the work of catering establishments, shopping centers, cinemas and other entertainment establishments is prohibited. In addition, clothing markets and beauty salons will remain closed.

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the weekend quarantine regime will give time to expand the medical base, help to avoid an increase in the number of patients with coronavirus infection and the introduction of stricter restrictive measures.

In turn, the Minister of Health of Ukraine Maxim Stepanov said that the country economically is not able to endure a complete lockdown.

According to the Worldometer portal, as of November 17, 557.6 thousand cases of COVID-19 were recorded in Ukraine, 9.8 thousand patients died, 250.9 thousand people recovered.

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