Putin congratulated workers in the oil and gas industry

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Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated oil and gas workers on their professional holiday. The text of the telegram of the head of state was published on Sunday, September 6, on the Kremlin’s website.

Putin stressed that in Russia the oil and gas complex is considered one of the key sectors of the economy and plays an important role in strengthening the country’s energy, industrial and export potential.

“Behind these serious successes is the intense, selfless work of many generations of scientists, geologists, engineers, builders, workers – real professionals and creators. It is gratifying that you are worthily continuing the traditions of your predecessors, developing new promising fields, setting impressive records in oil production, and prioritizing the widespread introduction of innovative, digital, environmentally friendly technologies. Strive to reliably meet the domestic needs of the country for oil and gas, to maintain Russia’s leading position in the world energy markets, ”the President noted.

Oil and Gas Workers Day has been celebrated since 1980 on the first Sunday in September.

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