Pushkov called the hopes for the return of the former power of the United States futile

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Hopes for the return of the United States to its former power are in vain, and the victory of the Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the elections will not change the situation. This was stated by Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov.

According to him, great shifts have taken place in the global balance of power over the past 10 years. He noted that according to the IMF, China has surpassed the United States in terms of GDP in absolute terms of $ 24.2 trillion and $ 20.8 trillion.

“The US has fallen heavily, and in many dimensions. New centers of economic power are growing … The global trend is not in America’s favor, ”the senator wrote, adding that Biden would not help.

So Pushkov commented on the cover of The Economist magazine, which came out with the headline “Why It Should Be Joe Biden.”

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