Pskov pensioner tried to make money on the stock exchange, but lost her savings

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The 76-year-old pensioner tried to make money on the “brokerage exchange”, but lost all her savings due to the fault of fraudsters. As the city prosecutor’s office told MK in Pskov, an elderly woman found an advertisement with an offer to earn extra money on the Internet.

Pskov woman called the indicated number. A friendly girl on the other end of the line told her about the conditions and offered to start an electronic wallet, transfer money there and wait for interest. The pensioner fell for a trick – she transferred 8 thousand rubles from her savings book.

However, the story did not end there. Three days later, says the victim, a stranger called her. He asked why she had not paid the insurance premium in connection with the account opening. Having heard about this, the woman sincerely stated that she did not know about such a need. The interlocutor said that due to late payment, her debt increased to 50 thousand, and then prompted the pensioner to pay the full amount.

The victim transferred money to an unknown account and again began to wait for interest.

Now scammers face criminal charges

A couple of days later, the call with threats and statements of debt was repeated. The elderly residents of Pskov have no money left. Therefore, this time she was offered to take a loan of 600 thousand and mortgage her apartment.

“The woman called the bank at the number offered to her, explained that she wanted to take out a loan, but luckily the bank employee refused to issue a loan and was advised to contact the police, which was done,” the city prosecutor’s office said.

A criminal case has now been initiated against the “brokers”. All the circumstances of the incident are being investigated by law enforcement officers.

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