Polar bear “robbed” a fisherman in Yakutia

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In Yakutia, a polar bear crept up to a fisherman and stole some of his tackle. This was announced on Thursday, April 29, by REN TV.

The incident took place on the Khandyga river. A local resident was fishing when a predator crept up from his back. The man managed to grab a fishing rod and run away to his car. According to the fisherman, attempts to drive the bear away with the help of a car signal were useless, since the animal “is not afraid at all.”

The footage shows that the animal did not show any aggression, and then began rummaging in a box with fishing accessories in search of fish. At the slightest attempt to approach the fishing rods and spinners, he showed aggression, the website kp.ru writes. After that, the bear stole the spoon and took it to the forest.

Experts are currently trying to find and catch the predator that continues to walk in the Tompon area. Residents of nearby settlements were promptly notified of a possible meeting with a polar bear.

On April 15, it was reported that a brown bear approached the fence of a school in a Sakhalin village. No harm done.