Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg have begun preparing a bill, according to which the regional authorities can empower them to determine how many dogs and cats residents of Russian cities can keep in their apartments. After the document is ready, it is planned to send it for consideration and approval to the State Duma.
“We have clearly formulated the concept of our initiative and the first point that needs to be addressed is to exclude the possibility of nurseries functioning in residential buildings. By the way, the Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov drew attention to this problem, and he also addressed this topic to the Federal Center “, – said Deputy of the Legislative Assembly Denis Chetyrbok “Parlamentskaya Gazeta”.
According to the parliamentarian, Petersburgers often complain about “nurseries” in apartments. And they create them for various reasons. Someone breeds animals for sale, someone – for the soul or out of pity. Petersburg deputies have not yet decided how many animals should be considered the maximum permissible. Just because they did not come to the conclusion about what to start from – from the type of housing or its footage.
But again, the numbers prescribed by the St. Petersburg parliamentarians will be of a framework nature, since St. Petersburg will ask to allow the regions to independently determine the maximum values. That is, for the cultural capital, these may be some numbers, and for the Leningrad region – others, since there are many private houses, whose residents keep not only cats and dogs. True, it is still unclear what to do with residents of private houses in the city itself.