Parents complained about “hate lessons” over the Russian language in Ukraine

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Parents of students at a school in Dnipro, Ukraine, expressed their dissatisfaction with a primary school teacher for teaching children to hate Russians and the Russian language. Such information appeared in the group “Education of Dnipro – social interaction, human rights protection, discussions” on the social network Facebook. The post has now been deleted, but managed to save the screenshot.

According to the parents, the teacher told in the classroom that any person who does not speak Ukrainian is an “enemy of the state”, and all Russians are, by definition, “historical occupiers of the Ukrainian land.”

In spite of the collection of signatures for the change of the teacher, the school administration declared that “it does not see the crime and will not replace it.”

“We are in a stalemate, now the child asks us to speak Ukrainian with him … Otherwise, we are enemies,” the parents say.

The language law in the country was adopted in April 2019. According to the new document, one should communicate exclusively in Ukrainian in almost all spheres of life.

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