Orenburg region took one of the last places in the ranking of employment

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By admin

The Orenburg region took 79th place out of 84 in the ranking of Russian regions in terms of labor market dynamics.

The antitopia includes territories in which the number of jobs has decreased. And judging by the level at which our region is, things in the labor market are not going very well. For three years, the number of employed citizens in the region has decreased by 80, 8 thousand people.

The reasons for such a fall may have been the bankruptcy of enterprises. And also covid-19, which dealt a crushing blow to business. Due to the health care reform, the administrative corps of the merged hospitals remains out of work. Low wages in organizations and enterprises.

Official figures from the Ministry of Labor show a more rosy picture. And there are vacancies, and unemployment is declining. However, outside analysts probably know better.