Onishchenko named the number of Muscovites with immunity to COVID-19

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In Moscow, a “layer of coronavirus” has formed from 2 million vaccinated and recovered citizens. On April 9, said the deputy of the State Duma, ex-head of Rospotrebnadzor Gennady Onishchenko.

According to him, the immunity of residents of the capital creates a barrier to the spread of infection in the metropolis. He noted that Moscow will soon approach one third of those who have been ill or vaccinated from the entire population.

“And you see, this process is starting to fade in Moscow. This indirectly indicates that there is a certain layer that creates this barrier today, ”Onishchenko added.

“We already have a fairly high immunity, 2 million out of 10 is a fifth, 20%,” he said. According to Onishchenko, 40-60% of the capital’s residents do not know that they have been ill.

To create herd immunity, it is enough to vaccinate 50% of the population, he stressed.

On April 1, Onishchenko said that the mask regime should be introduced in Russia on a permanent basis. Masks help protect the body not only from coronavirus infection, but also from seasonal diseases, he concluded.