Each school in the region will host parent meetings on the coronavirus pandemic. Parents will be asked to express their opinion on the most acceptable form of education for children after the announced holidays. Each school will come to its own conclusion on this score, based on the prevailing epidemiological situation on the ground. The numbers of cases, the number of students, the chances of dividing classes into groups will be taken into account. Rospotrebnadzor’s information about the growth of the “second wave” of infection will be brought to the attention of the parents’ meeting participants.
There may be several acceptable ways out of the situation: the resumption of full-time education, the transition to its distance format, the extension of vacations due to the growing morbidity in the region.
The fact is that the curriculum provides for a certain number of teaching hours, and it will not work to ignore the standards. For this reason, you may have to postpone summer holidays.