Nutritionist spoke about the serious danger of watermelon

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Nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences Olga Grigoryan on the air of the radio station “Moscow speaking” on Tuesday, July 28, spoke about the danger of excessive consumption of watermelons.

According to the specialist, excessive consumption of this berry is fraught with the appearance of some metabolic disorders, including weight gain. The specialist emphasized that this is possible if there is more than one and a half kilograms of watermelon per day.

The doctor noted that people with concomitant diseases such as atherosclerosis or diabetes should eat watermelons with caution. In addition, people with allergic diseases should limit the use of watermelon, writes.

Grigoryan stressed that no more than 300 g of watermelon can be consumed per meal, NSN writes.

Nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg also noted that uncontrolled consumption of watermelon can really harm health, since melons contain a lot of fructose, writes RT. The specialist emphasized that 100 g of watermelon accounts for about 10 g of fructose, if you eat 300-400 g of watermelon, the body will receive a significant load.

On July 24, agronomist Elizaveta Tikhonova dispelled popular myths about watermelons and told when it is better to buy them.

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