Nice attack: a man suspected of having supplied a weapon to the assailant arrested in Italy

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ROME | A man suspected of providing a weapon to the perpetrator of the truck attack on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice on July 14, 2016 has been arrested in Italy, several Italian media announced Wednesday evening.

• Read also: France: national tribute to the victims of the Nice attack

Endri E, a 28-year-old Albanian suspected of having supplied a weapon to Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who was shot dead while driving the vehicle, was arrested by the Italian police in Sparanise, near Naples (south), under a warrant of European judgment issued by the French justice, reported the news agencies AGI and Ansa, specifying that he had been located after an exchange of information with the French police.

This arrest comes after the Paris Court of Appeal confirmed in March the referral to the assizes of eight people for this attack which left 86 dead.

The trial, the dates of which have not yet been announced, will not take place before 2022. The assailant Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel having been shot dead at the wheel of the truck, the special assize court will examine the responsibilities of members of his entourage and intermediaries involved in the circuit of weapons intended for him.

The trial should last several weeks at least, in a maxi courtroom built in the Palais de Justice in Paris, on the Île de la Cité, after that of the attacks of November 13, 2015 in the French capital and its surroundings.