The state health insurance funds announced an increase in the additional premium for the coming year. In the event that the insurance company becomes too expensive, you can change it. Starting next year, the insurance company, as in the case of car insurance, can be changed annually, looking for a less expensive option.
Some health insurers have already reported the potential for the additional premium to almost double if the federal government does not urgently address the cost-benefit of the pandemic. In 2021, higher costs are expected for all those insured with compulsory health insurance companies. The average additional contribution in 2021 will increase by 0.2 points, amounting to 1.3 percent of salary. However, in reality, the amount by which the contribution will increase is very different. By changing the insurance fund, you can save several hundred euros.
Starting from 2021, it will be much easier to change the health insurance company. Insured persons will be able to transfer to another company annually. The model will work as in the case of car insurance.
The total rate of contributions to medical state insurance funds in the amount of 14.6 percent of salaries will remain unchanged in 2021. But many health insurance companies will increase their additional premiums. In this case, the insured persons have the right to transfer to another company. In the event of an increase in the premium, “the insured has a special right to terminate the contract.” However, after the termination of the contract, the client remains insured in the old company for the next two months.
For example, if you terminated the contract in mid-January, you become a client of the new company from April 1. You can change the health insurance company without any prior notification when you change the employer. In 2021, the client will be tied to insurance not for 18 months, as before, but only for 12 months. The change of company itself will become much easier. You should register online with the new insurance company and notify the new employer of the change of insurance.
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