New OSAGO tariffs entered into force in Russia

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By admin

The decree of the Central Bank of Russia on the expansion of the OSAGO tariff corridor came into force and allowing insurers to select a more personalized tariff for drivers.

So, for owners of passenger cars, the range of base rates will increase by 10% up and down and will be fixed in the range from 2,471 to 5,436 rubles.

According to the new rules, insurers, when determining a driver, may take into account additional individual factors: marital status, the presence of children, and others. Thus, insurers will be able to more accurately reflect the risks in the price of the policy. When forming tariffs, it will not be possible to take into account national, racial and linguistic affiliation.

The fact that the decree comes into force on Saturday, September 5, was announced the day before by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. The new document should complement the amendments to the law on OSAGO on the second stage of tariff individualization, which came into force on 24 August.

At the same time, the innovations retain the limitation on the maximum amount of the insurance premium under the OSAGO agreement. To calculate it, now special calculators will be posted on the websites of insurers.

On July 10, it was reported that the “Public Popular Front” (ONF) came up with a proposal to prohibit the operation of cars without issued OSAGO policies. Activists want to include this provision in the new Code of Administrative Offenses.

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