Naryshkin spoke about the cooperation of the SVR with foreign special services

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Despite pressure from the United States and Great Britain, unprecedented progress has been noted in cooperation between the Russian foreign intelligence service and foreign intelligence services, including Western ones. This was announced on Thursday, December 17, by the director of the SVR, Sergei Naryshkin, in his article in the International Affairs magazine, published on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the SVR.

“It must be admitted that the tension in Russia’s relations with the West has an impact on the nature of the service’s ties with foreign intelligence services, in particular with the American, Western European and some others. We are well informed about the powerful pressure from Washington and London on the capitals of a number of states in an anti-Russian vein on the issue of interaction with the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia. Despite this “non-gentlemanly” behavior, in recent years we have noted unprecedented progress in relations with most foreign intelligence services, including some Western ones, “Naryshkin wrote.

The head of Russian foreign intelligence noted that many intelligence services “are frankly burdened by the annoying attention of the Anglo-Saxon allies” and are striving to remain in the positions of objectivity, recognizing that the SVR today is not just one of the main participants in the process of interaction between intelligence services of different countries, but also largely determines its direction, content and shapes.

According to Naryshkin, the principles of partnership proposed by the SVR of Russia in the early 1990s, such as “equality, mutual benefit, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, confidentiality, have turned out to be universal and are actively used in everyday practice.”

He added that the forms and methods of work with each of the partners are influenced by the foreign policy priorities of the Russian Federation, the international situation and the general context of relations with this or that state.

In conclusion, Naryshkin emphasized that today the SVR, with varying degrees of intensity, cooperates with almost all significant intelligence and counterintelligence services.

On November 23, the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergei Naryshkin, called on to prevent any manifestations of racism, justifications of fascism, as well as the glorification of Nazism and its new forms. He said that, at the initiative of the Russian side, for the past 15 years, the UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution every year, according to which all practices that contribute to the manifestation of new forms of racism are condemned. Naryshkin noted that the United States votes against the resolution every year.

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