Naming your company: the ultimate guide to crowdsourcing inspiration

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By admin

Naming your company can feel like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! There are a number of ways to crowd source inspiration for your company name, from holding a contest to simply asking for suggestions from friends and family.

The most important thing is to keep an open mind and consider all of the options before making a final decision. With a little bit of creativity and some input from others, you’re sure to come up with a great name for your business.

Here are 15 tips for crowdsourcing inspiration for your company name:

1. Hold a contest

One great way to get ideas for your company name is to hold a contest. Ask people to submit their suggestions and then offer a prize to the best one. This can be a great way to get people engaged and excited about your business from the start.

2. Ask friends and family

Another option is to simply ask your friends and family for their suggestions. They know you well and may have some great ideas that you hadn’t thought of before.

3. Brainstorm with employees

If you already have employees, brainstorming with them can be a great way to come up with ideas. They understand your business and what it stands for, so they may have some excellent suggestions.

4. Use a word generator

There are a number of online tools that can help you generate words for your company name. Simply enter a few keywords related to your business and see what comes up in the tool “name generator for company”.

5. Try a name generator

There are also a number of name generators that can create entire names based on your keywords. This can be a great way to get some ideas that you may not have thought of before.

6. Use an acronym generator

If you want your company name to be an acronym, there are a number of tools that can help you create one. Simply enter your keywords and see what comes up.

7. Get inspiration from nature

One place to look for inspiration is nature. Consider the things that you love about the natural world and try to incorporate them into your company name.

8. Look to other businesses

Another great source of inspiration is other businesses. See what they’ve done with their names and see if you can come up with something similar.

9. Use alliteration

Alliteration is when a series of words begin with the same sound. This can be a great way to create a catchy company name.

10. Create a pun

Puns can be a great way to create a memorable company name. If you can find a clever way to play on words, it could really pay off.

11. Keep it simple

Sometimes the best company names are the simplest ones. Don’t over think it – sometimes the most straightforward option is the best one.

12. Make it unique

You want your company name to be memorable, so try to make it as unique as possible. Avoid using common words or phrases that could be easily confused with other businesses.

13. Use acronyms

Acronyms can be a great way to create a catchy company name. If you can find a way to make your businesses name an acronym, it could really pay off.

14. Avoid initials

While initials can be a great way to create a unique company name, they can also be confusing for people. Try to avoid using them unless you’re confident that they won’t be misunderstood.

15. Get creative

The best company names are the ones that are creative and memorable. So don’t be afraid to think outside the box when brainstorming ideas for your business.

With a little bit of creativity and some input from others, you’re sure to come up with a great name for your business. These 15 tips should help you get started.


There’s no one right way to come up with a company name. However, brainstorming with others, using word generators, and looking to other businesses for inspiration can all be great ways to get started. Ultimately, you want to choose a name that is creative, unique, and memorable.