Named a way to lose weight without dieting

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To effectively lose weight, you do not need to adhere to strict diets, writes September 18 ABC. Nutritionist Adriana Oros told reporters about the “plate method”, which will help you track your diet and teach you to stick to a healthy diet.

The method is quite simple: half the plate should be vegetables (raw or cooked), a quarter – proteins (eggs, lean meat, fish, seafood, legumes). Another quarter should include complex carbohydrates. For example, pasta, rice, potatoes, or whole grain bread. The addition of a small amount of olive oil, nuts or avocados is also allowed.

According to the nutritionist, most often those who lose weight make several mistakes. For example, they forget about the importance of complex carbohydrates or choose the wrong proteins. Also, people often forget about diversity.

“We consume a lot of meat, but we do not use other sources of high biological value proteins, for example, fatty and low-fat fish, seafood, eggs and even small amounts of legumes containing vegetable proteins,” she said.

The nutritionist advised to organize the order of food preparation when using the “plate method”. Add raw vegetables first, then proteins, and then carbohydrates. At the very end, some healthy fats are added.

On September 18, nutritionist Natalya Pugacheva named vegetables that should be included in their diet for those wishing to lose weight. The list includes a variety of salads, including iceberg, arugula, onions.

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