Nagorny Karabakh: Armenians denounce Azerbaijani attack

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The Armenian separatist authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh announced on Saturday that three of their fighters were wounded in an attack by Azerbaijani forces, a violation of the ceasefire negotiated in late November under the aegis of Moscow.

Azerbaijani troops attacked Armenian fighters on Friday evening and “three were injured in the ensuing shooting,” said the territory’s defense ministry.

The fighting in Nagorno Karabakh, which claimed thousands of lives on both sides, culminated in a Moscow-sponsored cessation of hostilities agreement in November, which enshrined an Armenian military rout and granted significant gains. territorial in Baku.

A Russian peace force of some 2,000 troops has been deployed in the region to ensure respect for the ceasefire.

During a visit this week to Azerbaijan, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose country has openly politically supported Azerbaijan in its offensive and has at times been suspected of providing material aid, proclaimed that “the struggle” against Armenia was not over.

“The struggle in the political and military spheres will now continue on many other fronts,” he proclaimed during a speech on the sidelines of a large military parade in Baku.

Calling on the Armenian leaders to “come to their senses” after their defeat in this six-week war, he assured that the reconquest of many territories by Azerbaijan “will be the beginning of a new era” in this mountainous region of the Caucasus .

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