Mysterious Novosibirsk stench got to Akademgorodok

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Yesterday evening, July 28, residents of the Novosibirsk Academgorodok felt in the air the terrifying smell of a “pig farm”, which residents of the city center have long been complaining about. A monstrous smell filled the Upper Zone of Akademgorodok. The mystery is that the pig breeding complex in Kudryashi, which was sinned as a source of an unpleasant odor, is located at the maximum distance from the Academy: the town of science is 15 kilometers south of the center of Novosibirsk on the right bank, and the pig farm is 20 kilometers to the north. on the left.

The disgusting smell arose at about 7 pm, and the less discerning townspeople were simply reminded of the smell of “something spoiled”, but those with a more subtle sense of smell (or rich life experience) unmistakably recognized the aromas of the pigsty. It should be noted that the mayor of Novosibirsk, Anvatoly Lokot, has already promised to attract scientists from Akademgorodok to search for the source of the mysterious stench. Smells that mystically reached scientific institutes will become an additional incentive for chemists and ecologists to solve the problem as soon as possible.

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